

Activates a license key with an authorization code generated by calling RequestAuthorizationCodeForActivation.

void ActivateLicenseByAuthorizationCodeEx(string webServiceUrl, string authorizationCode, 
                                        string computerID, string computerName, 
                                        string qlmVersion, string userData1, 
                                        string affiliateID, string email,
                                        out string response)


webServiceUrlstringURL to the QLM License Server.
authorizationCodestringthe 6 digit authorization code received by email
computerIDstringThe unique computer identifier
computerNamestringThe name of the computer. This argument is not required but recommended.
qlmVersionstringThe version of the QLM Engine
userData1stringUser data to associate with the license key
affiliateIDstringID of the AffiliateI
emailstringcustomer's email address
responsestringXML fragment containing the result of the call.

Response XML format

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<userCompany>My Company</userCompany>
<userFullName>John Smith</userFullName>
<userEmail>[email protected]</userEmail>

Example error response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<error>Details about the error</error>


You must call DefineProduct before calling this function.

Use ParseResults to interpret the results of the call and load the returned data into an ILicenseInfo object.

ILicenseInfo li = new LicenseInfo();
string message = string.Empty;
if (lv.QlmLicenseObject.ParseResults(response, ref li, ref message))
  // The operation  was successful	
  // The operation failed