

Gets a data set in XML format that meets the criteria specified in the filter.

Note that to call this function, you must:

  • Set the AdminEncryptionKey
void GetDataSet (string webServiceUrl, string filter, ref string dataSet, 
                 out string response)


webServiceUrlstringURL to the QLM License Server.
filterstringSQL filter to determine which records to return. Use a where clause sql syntax, example: ActivationKey='AAAA'. Note that if the filter contains an Activation Key or a Computer Key, you must strip out the dashes in the license key. License keys in the database are stored without dashes.
dataSetstringreturned dataset containing license key records that match criteria
responsestringXML fragment containing the result of the call.

Response XML format

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<result>Successfully executed query using filter...</result>

Example error response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<error>Details about the error</error>


Use ParseResults to interpret the results of the call and load the returned data into an ILicenseInfo object.

ILicenseInfo li = new LicenseInfo();
string message = string.Empty;
if (lv.QlmLicenseObject.ParseResults(response, ref li, ref message))
  // The operation  was successful	
  // The operation failed