Name | Description |
OrganizationID | Unique ID of the organization |
OrganizationName | Name of the organization |
OrganizationNotes | Notes associated with the organization |
PrimaryContactID | ID of the primary contact |
SecondaryContactID | ID of the secondary contact |
UserGroupID | User Group associated with the customer |
Domains | Domains or email addresses separated by a comma. Example:,, tom@soraco.% When a new customer is created, if no organization is selected, the system will automatically select an organization if the customer's email address matches the email expression specified in Domains. You can use the % character as a wild character. |
AllowOrganizationUsersToAcquireLicenses | Allow any user that belongs to the same organization to acquire a license key, if one is available, by activating a license with their email address. |