No Error | 0 | No Error |
RequestBlocked_Error | 1 | |
RequestBlocked_TimeDifferenceWithServer | 2 | A method call failed because the time between the server and the client exceeds the allowed threshold (10 minutes) |
RequestBlocked_IpRestriction | 3 | A method call failed because of IP restrictions configured in the Server Properties |
RequestBlocked_FailedToDecrypt | 4 | A method call failed because QLM failed to decrypt the data |
RequestBlocked_InvalidFormat | 5 | A method call failed because the encrypted data was not in the expected format |
RequestBlocked_EmptyData | 6 | A method call failed because the data sent to the server was empty. |
RequestBlocked_OperationDisabled | 7 | A method call failed because the operation was disabled in the License server security settings |
RequestBlocked_AuthenticationError | 8 | A method call failed because the authentication verification failed |
ConnectionToServer_Error | 100 | A connection to the server failed - generic error |
ConnectionToServer_Failed | 101 | Failed to connect to the license server |
ConnectionToServer_TimeDifferenceExceedsThreshold | 102 | The time between the server and the client exceeds the allowed threshold (24 hours) |
ConnectionToServer_MaxDaysOfflineExceeded | 103 | The MaxDaysOffline was exceeded |
License_Error | 200 | Generic license error |
License_Revoked | 201 | The license key is revoked |
License_Illegal | 202 | The license key is illegal |
License_NotFound | 203 | The license key was not found on the server |
License_NoProduct | 204 | No product associated with this license was found |
License_NotValid | 205 | The license key is not valid |
License_NotProvided | 206 | The license key was not provided |
License_AlreadyActivatedOnAnotherSystem | 207 | The license key is already activated on another system |
License_MissingArgument | 208 | A required argument is missing |
License_Expired | 209 | The license has expired |
License_NoMoreActivations | 210 | No more activations are available |
License_ActivationKeyForWrongVersion | 211 | The activation key is for another version than the one the user is running |
License_ExceededMaxReleases | 212 | The maximum number of allowed deactivations was reached |
License_ExceededNumberOfTrialLicensesPerClient | 213 | Exceeded the number of trial licenses allowed per client |
License_ExceededMaxActivationsPerSystem | 214 | Exceeded the maximum number of activations per system |
License_FailedToSign | 215 | Failed to digitally sign an XML fragment using the RSA keys |
License_Release_NotActivated | 216 | Failed to release a license because it was not activated |
License_Release_ActivatedOnAnotherSystem | 217 | Failed to release a license because it is activated on another system |
License_ProductNotFound | 218 | No product was found that matches the provided activation key |
License_NotActivatedOnServer | 219 | The activation key was not activated on the server for the given computer |
License_ActivationKeyForWrongProduct | 220 | The activation key is for another product |
License_Delete_Failed | 221 | The delete request failed |
License_Product_Save_Failed | 222 | The product was not saved on the server due to a conflict |
License_ActivationOnSameDevice_InProgress | 223 | An activation on the same device is already in progress |
License_WrongDeactivationVerificationCode | 224 | The provided deactivation verification code is wrong |
License_ComputerKeyMismatch | 225 | The client's ComputerKey does not match the server's ComputerKey |
License_ActivationCountDecremented_Ok | 226 | The activation count was decremented successfully |
License_ActivationCountDecremented_Failed | 227 | The activation count could not be decremented |
License_Release_Failed_OfflineUsage | 228 | Failed to release a license because it was checked out for offline usage and it has not expired yet |
License_Exists_Already | 229 | The specified license key exists already |
Customer_Error | 1900 | A generic error related to an operation involving the customer record |
Customer_Exists | 1901 | Cannot add a customer that already exists |
Customer_Add_Error | 1902 | Failed to add a new customer |
Customer_Cannot_Update_Builtin_Customer | 1903 | Cannot update the built-in None customer |
Customer_NotFound | 1904 | The customer was not found |
Customer_Organization_Error_Adding | 1905 | Error adding a customer organization |
Customer_Organization_Error_Updating | 1906 | Error updating a customer organization |
Customer_Organization_Error_Deleting | 1907 | Error deleting a customer organization |
Customer_Organization_Error_Retrieving | 1908 | Error retrieving a customer organization |
DB_Connection_Failed | 2000 | The connection to the DB failed |
DB_Schema_Upgrade_Error | 2001 | Error when upgrading the DB schema |
DB_SQL_Query_Error | 2002 | Error executing a SQL query |
DB_InsertError | 2003 | Error inserting a record in a table |
Email_Error | 2100 | Failed to send an email |
Sms_Error_NotConfigured | 2101 | SMS messaging is not configured |
Sms_Error_Sending | 2102 | SMS messaging - error sending a message |
ProductProperties_Error | 2200 | Generic product property error |
ProductProperties_NotFound | 2201 | No product properties were found for the given key |
OTHERS | | |
UnknownError | 3000 | Unknown error |
Qlm_License_Error | 3100 | Errors related to licensing of QLM itself |