User Registration Properties

User Registration Properties

QlmAllowMultipleTrialKeyRequestsAllow the user to request another trial key even if he/she has already requested and activated a trial key once.
QlmEmailTrialKeyAfterUserRegistrationWhen the user registration page is enabled, the wizard can automatically send a request to the server to email a trial key after the user is successfully registered on the server.
QlmGenerateTrialKeyAfterUserRegistrationWhen the user registration page is enabled, the wizard can automatically generate a trial key after the user is successfully registered on the server.
QlmTrialKeyDurationSet the duration of the trial in days
QlmTrialKeyEmailTemplateSet the email template to use when emailing the trial key to the user.
QlmTrialKeyFeaturesSelect which features are enabled for the automatically generated trial key.
QlmUserRegistrationCompanyRequiredSpecify whether the Company is required when registering a user.
QlmUserRegistrationEmailRequiredSpecify whether the Email is required when registering a user.
QlmUserRegistrationFullNameRequiredSpecify whether the Full name is required when registering a user.
QlmUserRegistrationPhoneRequiredSpecify whether the Phone is required when registering a user.