API Reference


ComputerNamebind the license to the computer name0
Genericdo not bind the license1
UserDefinedbind the license to a user defined value2
MacAddressbind the license to the MAC address3
VolumeSerialNumberbind the license to the volume SN4
MotherboardSerialNumberbind the license to the motherboard SN5
ActiveDirectoryComputerDomainbind the license to the AD computer domain7
ActiveDirectoryAppDomainbind the license to the AD App domain7
SystemManagementBiosUuidbind the license to the BIOS UUID8
QlmUniqueSystemIdentifier1Use QLM system binding v19
QlmUniqueSystemIdentifier2Use QLM system binding v210
LoggedInUserbind the license to the logged in user name11
USBKeybind the license to the usb key12
DockerContainerbind the license to the docker container13