UI Properties

License Wizard UI Properties

QlmActivationMethodCaptionCaption of the Activation Method page.
QlmActivationMethodTitleTitle of the Activation Method page.
QlmActivationMethodTitleImageImage displayed to the left of the title of the Activation Method page.
QlmBackColorButtonsBackground color of all buttons and the progress bar.
QlmBorderColorTextBorder color of all text fields.
QlmBuyNowCaptionCaption of the Buy Now button.
QlmBuyNowUrlURL associated to the Buy Now button.
QlmDeactivateCaptionCaption of the Deactivate radio button on the Activation Method page.
QlmDeactivatePageCaptionCaption of the Deactivation page.
QlmEULACaptionEnd User License Agreement Caption.
QlmEULAUrlEnd User License Agreement URL.
QlmFontButtonsFont to use on all buttons.
QlmFontLabelsFont to use on all labels.
QlmFontResultFont to use in the result panel.
QlmFontTextFont to use on all text fields.
QlmForeColorButtonsForeground color of all buttons and the progress bar.
QlmForeColorControlsForeground colors of all controls such as labels and buttons.
QlmForeColorResultForeground colors of the result panel that displays the result of the license validation.
QlmForeColorTextForeground colors of all text fields.
QlmFormatLicenseKeyFormats the license key by adding dash separators.
QlmFormatLicenseKeyGroupSizeSize of the group of characters in a formatted license. The QlmFormatLicenseKey property must be true for this to take effect.
QlmFormatLicenseKeyMaxGroupSizeMaximum size of the group of characters in a formatted license. The QlmFormatLicenseKey property must be true for this setting to have an effect.
QlmFormBackColorSets the background color of the wizard.
QlmFormCurvatureCurvature of the corners of the wizard.
QlmFormFooterColorBackground color to display in the footer panel of the wizard.
QlmFormHeaderBackColorBackground color to display in the header of the wizard.
QlmFormHeaderForeColorForeground color to display in the header of the wizard.
QlmFormLeftPanelColorBackground color to display in the lef thand panel of the wizard.
QlmHoverColorHover color of all controls
QlmHoverForeColorHover foreground color of all controls.
QlmHowToGetComputerKeyCaptionHow to get the Computer key caption
QlmHowToGetComputerKeyUrlHow to get the Computer key URL
QlmMessageExpiredSets the text to display if the license key expired.
QlmMessageRemainingDays Sets the text to display when a trial license is still valid. The message should include a {0} argument to display the remaining days.
QlmMessageTrialSets the text to display when a trial license is detected.
QlmOfflineActivationCaptionCaption of the Offline Activation button.
QlmOfflineActivationPageCaptionCaption of the Offline Activation page.
QlmOnlineActivationCaptionCaption of the Online Activation button.
QlmOnlineActivationPageCaptionCaption of the Online Activation page.
QlmProductImageSets the image displayed to the left of the product name.
QlmProductTitleSets the title of the product.
QlmRegisterUserPageCaptionCaption of the User Registration page.
QlmScanQRCodeCaptionScan QR Code caption.
QlmShowActivationMethodPageShow or hide the Activation Method page.
QlmShowBuyNowButtonShow or hide the Buy Now button.
QlmShowCheckForUpdatesShow or hide the Check for updates feature.
QlmShowDeactivationPageShow or hide the Deactivation feature.
QlmShowMinimizeButtonShow or hide the Minimize button.
QlmShowOfflineActivationKeyShow or hide the Activation Key field on the Offline Activation page. This property should always be set to true except for QLM Express.
QlmShowOfflineActivationPageShow or hide the Offline Activation page.
QlmShowOnlineActivationPageShow or hide the Online Activation page.
QlmShowProxyButtonShow or hide the Proxy Settings button.
QlmShowTryButtonShow or hide the Try button.
QlmShowUserRegistrationPageShow or hide the User Registration page.
QlmShowWelcomePageShow or hide the Welcome page.
QlmShowWizardVersionShow or hide the QLM License Wizard. This is useful for troubleshooting purposes.
QlmTitlesFontFont of all titles.
QlmTitlesForeColorForeground color of all titles.
QlmTryButtonCaptionCaption of the Try button.
QlmWelcomePageCaptionCaption of the welcome page.
QlmWizardLogoLogo displayed in the bottom left-hand corner. The expected size is 90x60 pixels.
QlmWizardTitleTitle of the wizard.