
AdminEncryptionKeystringencryption key used to encrypt communication with the License Server for admin operations
AllowGenericKeysboolGeneric license keys are licenses that do not require activation and are not bound to a computer identifier. For example, if you embed a trial license in your source code, you are using a generic license key. Creation and validation of generic license keys will fail if AllowGenericKeys is false. The default value is false. To enable generic license keys on the server side, you must set the "options/AllowGenericKeys" server property to true.
ApplicationVersionstringversion of your application
CommunicationEncryptionKeystringencryption key used to encrypt communication with the License Server
DateTamperingGracePeriodintspecify the grace period allowed for date tampering - the default is 1
DaysLeftintnumber of days left for the evaluation. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
DefaultWebServiceUrlstringURL to the License Server
DownloadLicenseFileboolflag to instruct QLM to automatically download a License File when activating or reactivating a license
DownloadProductPropertiesboolflag to instruct QLM to automatically download a Produt Properties File when activating or reactivating a license
Durationintduration associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
EnableClientLanguageDetectionboolflag to force the server to use the same locale as the client
EnableDRSiteboolflag to enable QLM DR Site
EnableRedirectUrlboolflag to enable URL redirect to the QLM License Server.
EnableSoapExtensionboolflag to enable the QLM SOAP extension
EvaluationLicenseKeystringA built-in evaluation license
EvaluationPerUserboolflag to specify if evaluation information should be stored per user or per machine
ExpiryDateRoundHoursUpboolwhen evaluating the number of days left for a license, any time that is less than a day can either be rounded up to a day or ignored. The default is to round up to a day.
ExpiryDateDateTimeexpiry date associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
FavorMachineLevelLicenseKeyboolif a license key is stored both at the machine level and user level, QLM will use the machine level key if this attribute is set to true. The default value is false.
FloatingDbPasswordstringpassword of the floating license database
FloatingLicenseDbPathstringpath to the floating license database.
FloatingLicenseMaxOfflineDurationintmaximum duration of an offline floating license. After this period expires, the license is no longer considered offline.
LicenseBindingELicenseBindingthe selected license binding
LicenseFilePathstringPath where the license file should be stored. The path can include Windows Environment Variables. Example: %localappdata%\yourapp\license.xml".
If not set, the license file is stored based on the StoreKeysLocation property.
LicenseTypeELicenseTypelicense type associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
LimitTerminalServerInstancesboollimit the number of instances running on a Terminal Server to the number defined in the license key
MajorVersionintmajor version associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
MaxDaysOfflineintnumber of days the app can work offline. ValidateOnServer must be true for this setting to take effect.
MaxDaysOfflineTimerEnabledboolenable a timer that runs once per day and checks the maxDaysOffline property. If the timer detects that the maxDaysOffline was exceeded, it will throw an exception. You should enable this option only if your code can handle exceptions. If you do not handle the exception, the application will crash.
MinorVersionintminor version associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
NumberOfLicensesintnumber of licenses associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
OfflinePeriodExceededActionEOfflinePeriodExceededActionspecify the action to perform when the allowed offline period has been exceeded while the application is running.
OverrideKeyStoreRegistrystringchange the default registry key where QLM stores license key information. This is strictly for permanent licenses and does not affect trial licenses.
PreviousPublicKeysstringList of the previous public keys. Keys must be separated by 2 semi-columns (;;).
PreviousRsaPublicKeysstringList of the previous RSA public keys. Keys must be separated by 2 semi-columns (;;).
ProductIDintproduct ID associated with the license key. Must be called after a call to ValidateLicense or ValidateLicenseEx.
ProductNamestringname of the product
ProductPropertiesPathstringPath where the Product Properties file should be stored. The path can include Windows Environment Variables. Example: %localappdata%\yourapp\pp.xml".
If not set, the Product Properties file is stored based on the StoreKeysLocation property.
PublicKeystringPublic Key of the license
PublishAnalyticsboolwhen validating a license, publish analytics to the server
QlmTimerDelayStartintdelay the QLM timer by x minutes before starting
QlmTimerFrequencyinttimer frequency in minutes. The minimum is 60 minutes except when SimulateNoConnectivity is true.
RedirectorUrlstringURL of the redirected site
RsaPublicKeystringRSA Public Key used to sign Product Properties
SimulatedDateTimeDateTimesimulate the date/time used by the licensing engine.
SimulateNoConnectivityboolsimulate no internet connectivity for testing purposes
StoreKeysCommonDataFilenamestringname of the file in the CommonData folder where license keys will be stored.
StoreKeysCommonDataFolderstringname of the folder in the CommonData folder where license keys will be stored.
StoreKeysLocationEStoreKeysTospecifies where to store the keys, in a hidden file on the system or the registry.
StoreKeysOptionsEStoreKeysOptionsspecifies how to store the keys, per user, per machine or both
ValidateOnServerboolwhen validating a license, validate it on the server as well
Versionstringthe version of QLM Engine