
QLM Activation Control Properties

QlmCommunicationEncryptionKeySet the communicationEncryptionKey to use when connecting to the QLM web service. The communicationEncryptionKey must match the one defined in the web.confi file on the web server.
QlmComputerIDSet the computer ID to use when activating the license. This property should be typically set programmatically at runtime.
QlmEnableMultiByteEnable multibyte to support system with a ComputerID that contains multibyte characters.
QlmEnableSoapExtensionBy default, QLM sends custom headers with every SOAP request and sends information to the server related to the customer's locale. If this interferes with your own SOAP extension, you can turn off QLM's extension.
QlmEncryptionKeySet the encryption key. This property is only required when using QLM engine version 4.0 and earlier.
QlmEvaluationLicenseKeyOnly applies if the QlmEvaluationVisible property is set to true. Set the evaluation key to use when the user selects to evaluate the software and does not have a license key.
QlmEvaluationPerUserSets whether the evaluation information is stored per user or per machine.
QlmFavorMachineLevelLicenseKeyIf a license key is stored both at the user level and the machine level, set this property to true to favor the key stored at the machine level.
QlmFormatLicenseKeyFormats the license key by adding dash separators.
QlmFormatLicenseKeyGroupSizeSize of the group of characters in a formatted license. The QlmFormatLicenseKey property must be true for this to take effect.
QlmFormatLicenseKeyMaxGroupSizeMaximum size of group of characters in a formattted license. The QlmFormatLicenseKey property must be true.
QlmGUIDSet the GUID associated to your product. The GUID can be found on the Define Product page in the QLM Console.
QlmLicenseTypeSet the license type. The license type can be: ComputerName, UserDefined or Generic.
QlmMajorVersionSet the Major Version associated to your product. The Major Version can be found on the Define Products page in the QLM Console.
QlmMinorVersionSet the Minor Version associated to your product. The Minor Version can be found on the Define Products page in the QLM Console.
QlmOverrideKeyStoreRegistryChange the default registry key where QLM stores license key information. This is strictly for permanent licenses.
QlmProductIDSet the Product ID Version associated to your product. The Product ID can be found on the Define Products page in the QLM Management Console.
QlmProductNameSet your product name.
QlmPublicKeySet the Public Key associated to your product. The Public Key Version can be found on the Define Products page (Keys tab) in the QLM Console.
QlmStoreKeysCommonDataFilenameName of the file in the CommonData folder where license keys will be stored.
QlmStoreKeysCommonDataFolderName of the folder in the CommonData folder where license keys will be stored.
QlmStoreKeysLocationBy default, QLM stores the license keys in a hidden file on the end user system. You can also select to store the license keys in the registry by setting this property.
QlmStoreKeysOptionsSet whether to store license keys per user, per machine or both.
QlmValidateCertificateThe QLM DLLs are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority. In order to ensure that hackers do not replace the QLM DLLs by dummy ones, QLM can validate that the DLLs are properly signed.
QlmVersionVersion of the QLM License Engine to use. The recommended value is 5.0.00.
QlmWebServiceUrlSet the URL to the QLM License Server. The value of this url is typically:

QLM Activation Control UI Properties

QlmCloseButtonVisibleShow or hide to Close button
QlmForeColorControlsForeground color of all controls.
QlmForeColorTextForeground color of all text fields.
QlmFormBackColorSet the starting Background Color of the form to produce a gradient effect.
QlmFormBackColor2Set the ending Background Color of the form to produce a gradient effect.
QlmGlowColorColor that highlights in field when in focus.
QlmHeaderBackColorSet the Background Color of the header pane.
QlmHeaderBackColor2Set the ending Background Color of the header pane to produce a gradient effect.
QlmHeaderVisibleShow or hide the header panel.
QlmLogoFontSet the font to use in the logo text.
QlmLogoImageSet the image to use for the logo.
QlmLogoTextSet the text to use for the logo.
QlmProxyButtonVisibleShow or hide the proxy settings button